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Apestyles comes close to maiden WCOOP title with $83K score

Apestyles comes close to maiden WCOOP title with $83K score

We don’t need to tell you how much our man Jonathan “apestyles” Van Fleet crushes at poker. His results speak for themselves, and besides, since he’s started streaming his high-stakes play on Twitch, we all get to watch live and sweat every decision with him.

It’s no surprise, then, that apestyles is currently beasting some of the biggest online tournament series of the year.

On top of that $133K day, apestyles also made a World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) final table on PokerStars earlier in the week.

The event was the $2,100 buy-in Thursday Thrill PKO (#51-H), which got 480 entries, creating a $960K prize pool.

With 13 players left, apestyles had a “crushing chip lead”.

Apestyles was reading situations perfectly. Just look at this check back when he had turned a straight and his opponent had turned a flush.

He still had a huge chip lead when they got down to the final table, with apestyles busting a player in 10th to give himself a colossal 223 big blinds.

He continued crushing souls and collecting bounties throughout.

And collected even more chips to take it down to four.

But it was at four-handed that things started to take a turn.


This bad beat cost him $13,664 in bounties, a pay jump, and a ton of chips.

Even if you’re as skilled as apestyles, if the cards aren’t falling your way, there’s not a whole lot you can do.

Sadly, things went from bad to worse.

And in the very next hand, this set-up sealed his fate.

The rough run of cards led to apestyles busting in third place for $83,216, including $36,515 in bounties. He’ll have to wait a bit longer for his maiden WCOOP title, but it’s yet another insane result for a player who never ceases to amaze.

Make sure you tune in to apestyles on Twitch to watch more amazing runs live.

You can learn how to play like apestyles from the man himself. Pick up the Apestyles Bundle today, packed with over 10 hours of content.

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