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BBZ Poker Community Awards – September 2023

BBZ Poker Community Awards – September 2023

The BBZ Poker Community Awards are designed to celebrate our students’ success stories and the best posts in our Discord.

We’ll be giving out three monthly awards: the Constant Crusher award, Like A Boss award, and the Best Mic Drop award.

Find out who won in September 2023 below.

Constant Crusher Award

The Constant Crusher Award is precisely what it sounds like: a big shout-out to the person who consistently puts up great results throughout the month.

September 2023’s winner?


This BBZ community member has been absolutely crushing on ACR poker throughout September, beginning with this $15K+ score — his largest so far.

That was followed up by an insane day that Thusstle wished would never end.

He finished second in a $33 buy-in for $5,690, first in a $66 buy-in for $4,255, and first in a $16.50 buy-in for $543, all in the same session!

But he wasn’t done there.

On September’s penultimate day, Thusstle enjoyed another big score, finishing third in a $109 buy-in for $9,855.

Keep it up, Thusstle!

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Like A Boss Award

The Like A Boss Award goes to someone from the BBZ community who pulled off an awe-inspiring feat across the month.

September 2023’s winner?

Red Jordy.

We all know how hard it can be to win one big online poker tournament, let alone two.

And let alone two versions of the same event in the same week!

That’s what community member Red Jordy pulled off in September, taking down the $27 Daily Eliminator on PokerStars twice within a seven-day period.

The first was for $3,599, and the second was for $2,768.

Incredible results from a $27 buy-in!

Congrats, Red Jordy.

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Best Mic Drop Award

The Best Mic Drop Award goes to BBZ community member who dropped the sexiest result into the BBZ Brags Discord channel.

September 2023’s winner?


We know what you’re thinking: “ANOTHER award for Schwibbs? He wins one every month!”

Well, when you see what he pulled off this month, you’ll agree it’s deserved.

Schwibbs took down the PACOOP $300 Main Event after two days of play, beating 877 entries to win $40,800 and the trophy.

Moreover, Schwibbs has booked himself a Gold Pass Package to the North American Poker Tour (NAPT) stop worth $20K!

Just an unbelievable result from a guy who never fails to impress.

Check out our interview with Schwibbs here.

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